
  • Congratulations to Taofeek, his first paper titled “Dynamics of Polymer Chains in Disperse Melts: Insights from Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations” was just published in the JPC-B! You can read it here.

  • We are excited to welcome two new PhD students to the group - Amala Vemula and Sirsha Ganguly! Amala comes to us from IIT-Madras, where she completed her ME in Chemical Engineering, and Sirsha finished his BE in Chemical Engineering from Jadhavpur University before coming to UF. Welcome!


The group had a great time at AIChE 2024 in San Diego! Here are the highlights!

  • Congratulations to Otmi for being selected to give a talk in the MESD 08A “Excellence in Graduate Research” session!

  • Congratulations to Dominick for winning 3rd place in the undergraduate poster competition!

  • Janani was elected to be the Secretary-Treasurer of CoMSEF, congratuations!

  • Yinhao and Taofeek presented amazing talks and posters!

  • Janani was invited to give a talk at the Biopolymers session. Thank you to the organizers for the invitation!


  • Otmi’s paper on ion correlations in Anion Exchange Membranes (AEMs) in collaboration with the Ramprasad group at Georgia Tech and the Colina group at UF was just accepted. You can read it here. Congrats to the team!


  • Janani was invited to present at the ENVR division at the ACS Fall Meeting in Denver, in the session “Data-Driven Research, Design & Modeling of Separation Processes for a Sustainable Future”. Thank you for the invitation!

  • Our SSTP student Lucas Yonamine presented a poster about his summer research. Great job Lucas, and kudos to his mentor Taofeek!

Taofeek (left) and Lucas (right) at the SSTP poster presentation session


  • Janani was at the Polymer Physics Gordon Research Conference and presented a poster on the membrane research from the group

  • Janani, Diana, Yinhao, and Otmi attended Foundations of Molecular Modelling and Simulations (FOMMS 2024) in Snowbird, Utah. Yinhao, Otmi, and Diana presented posters, and Janani chaired a session and moderated a panel on best publishing practices. We can’t wait to go back!


  • Janani took part in two high school outreach days organized by UF CPET. She taught students how to make silly putty, and explained why polymers are viscoelastic. Everyone enjoyed making slime, and learning new science!


  • We are excited to welcome SSTP student Lucas Yonamine to spend the summer with us! This is a great residential research program run by CPET at UF, read more about it here.


  • Yinhao published a collaborative paper with the Jang group at UF ChemE on globular protein vesicles. You can read about it here. Congratulations!



  • Janani was invited to give a seminar at the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of South Florida. She enjoyed meeting old friends and colleagues and making new ones. Thank you for the invitation!


  • The group celebrates the new semester and Otmi’s first (and second!) paper(s) with boba tea at TeaStori. Congratulations, Otmi.

  • We welcome Ciara, Dominick, Emily, and Patricia to the group as undergraduate researchers. Ciara and Dominick will be working with Taofeek on coarse-grained polymer simulations., and Emily and Patricia will be working with Yinhao on protein assemblies.